Dev C++ Flappy Bird

Dev C++ Flappy Bird

  1. Program Flappy Bird
  2. Dev C++ Flappy Bird Download

Nov 06, 2017  This video shows an implementation of, sigh, Flappy Bird in C at the command prompt. Source: I'm programming a game in C that's supposed to be something like the smartphone game 'Flappy Bird'. You who have played it knows its about avoiding approaching obstacles with gaps in them, with a bird thats constantly moving downwards, and you have to click a button to keep it in the air. How to create a flappy bird tutorial was one of the first tutorial we did on this website, we are back now with a new one where we will show you how to make a new and improved version of flappy bird using Microsoft Visual Studio, WPF and C#. In this game you will have your standard pipes and a gap between them where the bird will fly through.

  1. #include <string>
  2. #include <fstream>
  3. #include <ctime>
  4. public:
  5. bird_x =100;
  6. bird[0].setFillColor(sf::Color::Red);
  7. bird[1].setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);
  8. bird[1].setPosition(bird_x +71, bird_y +20);
  9. bird.push_back(sf::CircleShape(3.f));
  10. bird[2].setPosition(bird_x +20, bird_y +10);
  11. void getPosition(float*x, float*y){
  12. *y = bird_y +15;
  13. void moveVertically(float mov){
  14. for(unsignedint i =0; i < bird.size(); i++){
  15. }
  16. std::vector<sf::CircleShape> getBirdVector(){
  17. }
  18. std::vector<sf::CircleShape> bird;
  19. float bird_y;
  20. public:
  21. Pipe(unsignedint space, unsignedint window_width, unsignedint window_height){
  22. printf('Spawning new pipe with gap from %u to %un', space -100, space +100);
  23. upper_pipe =new sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(100, space -100));
  24. lower_pipe =new sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(100, window_height - space -100));
  25. upper_pipe->setFillColor(sf::Color::Green);
  26. controlled_space = space;
  27. upper_pipe->setPosition(current_x, 0);
  28. }
  29. bool checkIfCollision(float colliding_x, float colliding_y){
  30. if(colliding_x > current_x +50|| colliding_x < current_x -50)returnfalse;
  31. if(colliding_y < controlled_space +100&& colliding_y > controlled_space -100)returnfalse;
  32. }
  33. if(current_x <-100)returntrue;
  34. upper_pipe->move(-1, 0);
  35. returnfalse;
  36. void drawSelf(sf::RenderWindow*to_draw_to){
  37. to_draw_to->draw(*lower_pipe);
  38. }
  39. delete upper_pipe;
  40. }
  41. private:
  42. sf::RectangleShape*lower_pipe;
  43. unsignedint controlled_space;
  44. char*name =(char*)calloc(1, 1);
  45. printf('Enter your name: ');
  46. scanf('%c', &buf);
  47. name =(char*)realloc(name, strlen(name)+2);
  48. }
  49.'.flappy_bird_save', std::ios::out| std::ios::app);
  50. savefile <<':';
  51. savefile.write((char*)(void*)(&score), sizeof(unsignedint));
  52. savefile.close();
  53. printf('LEADERBOARDn');
  54. unsignedint score;
  55. };
  56. char buf =0;
  57. while(savefile.good()){
  58. players.resize(players.size()+1);
  59. players[players.size()-1].name=(char*)calloc(1, 1);
  60. buf = savefile.get();
  61. players[players.size()-1].name=(char*)realloc(players[players.size()-1].name, strlen(players[players.size()-1].name)+2);
  62. players[players.size()-1].name[strlen(players[players.size()-1].name)]= buf;
  63.*)(void*)&(players[players.size()-1].score), sizeof(unsignedint));
  64. }
  65. if(players.size()<3)return;//don't bother
  66. for(unsignedint i =0; i < players.size(); i++){
  67. if(players[pivot_pos].score0) pivot_pos -=1;
  68. if(players[i].score< players[pivot_pos].score){
  69. players.erase(players.begin()+ i);
  70. }
  71. for(unsignedint i =0; i < players.size()-2; i++){
  72. is_sorted =false;
  73. }
  74. if(is_sorted)break;
  75. if(players[i].score0)break;
  76. printf('%s:t%8un', players[i].name, players[i].score);
  77. }
  78. if(argc <2)return1;
  79. std::default_random_engine rand_generator;
  80. printf('Insert quarter to playn');
  81. unsignedint window_width =(argc <3)?1000:atoi(argv[2]);//we have to do it this way because SFML team is too lazy to let you
  82. unsignedint window_height =(argc <4)?800:atoi(argv[3]);//actually get the size of the window.
  83. sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(window_width, window_height), argv[1]);//damn kids...
  84. std::uniform_int_distribution<int> pipe_pos_spawn(100, window_height -100);
  85. Bird protagonist;
  86. std::vector<Pipe> pipes;
  87. float protagonist_x;
  88. char*score_text =(char*)calloc(1, 11);
  89. sf::Time check_time;
  90. sf::RectangleShape*current_upper_pipe;
  91. if(!font.loadFromFile('Hack-Regular.ttf'))return1;
  92. score_view.setCharacterSize(32);
  93. score_view.setFillColor(sf::Color::White);
  94. score_view.setString('Score: '+ std::string(score_text));
  95. printf('Scoreview is currently %sn', score_view.getString().toAnsiString().c_str());
  96. pipe_pos_spawn(rand_generator);//throwaway first value
  97. protagonist.moveVertically(window_height /2);
  98. while(window.isOpen()){
  99. while(window.pollEvent(event)){
  100. if(event.type sf::Event::Closed) window.close();
  101. protagonist.getPosition(&protagonist_x, &protagonist_y);
  102. current_gravity_pull =(current_gravity_pull *2<16)? current_gravity_pull :16;
  103. if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Space)&& protagonist_y >0){
  104. protagonist.moveVertically(-2);
  105. protagonist.moveVertically(current_gravity_pull);
  106. if(check_time.asMilliseconds()%10000){
  107. pipes.push_back(Pipe(pipe_pos_spawn(rand_generator), window_width, window_height));
  108. for(unsignedint i =0; i < protagonist_parts.size(); i++){//draw the bird
  109. }
  110. pipes[i].drawSelf(&window);
  111. printf('Update returned truen');
  112. pipes[i].~Pipe();
  113. score +=1;
  114. score_view.setString(std::string(score_text));
  115. printf('Scoreview is currently %sn', score_view.getString().toAnsiString().c_str());
  116. }elseif(pipes[i].checkIfCollision(protagonist_x, protagonist_y)|| protagonist_y >= window_height){
  117. window.close();
  118. return0;
  119. }
  120. window.display();
  121. return0;
  1. Sep 27, 2015  Flappy Bird in C (VS 2013). GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Skip to content. All gists Back to GitHub. Sign in Sign up Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Soachishti / CPP-Flappy-Bird.cpp.
  2. The most accurate Flappy Bird clone out there. Made with love. Free to play, NOW! Mister Moonboots. Free game for the iPad by Mr Speaker: Like bouncing? The infinity of space?
  3. I wrote the code myself with

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Program Flappy Bird

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Pipes::Pipes(int PositionX, int PositionY, int PipeDistance, int PipeAbove)
std::cout << 'hello!' << std::endl;
if (!PipeUp.loadFromFile('images/FlappyBird.png', sf::IntRect(84, 323, 26, 160)))
if (!PipeDown.loadFromFile('images/FlappyBird.png', sf::IntRect(56, 323, 26, 160)))
PipeSpriteDown.setScale(4, 4);
PipeSpriteUp.setPosition(PositionX + PipeDistance, PositionY*1.4 );
PipeSpriteDown.setPosition(PositionX + PipeDistance, PositionY - PipeAbove + 160);
PipeGap = PipeAbove;
voidPipes::draw(sf::RenderWindow &window)
PipeSpriteUp.move(Speed, 0);
PipeSpriteDown.move(Speed, 0);
if (PipeSpriteUp.getPosition().x <= -100 && PipeSpriteDown.getPosition().x <= -100)
int Up = rand() % (600 + 1 - 300) + 300;
int Down = Up - PipeGap;
PipeSpriteUp.setPosition(800, Up);
PipeSpriteDown.setPosition(800, Down);
intPipes::OverlapTest(float FlappyBirdX, float FlappyBirdY)
constint left_box0 = FlappyBirdX;
constint right_box0 = FlappyBirdX + 17 * 3;
constint top_box0 = FlappyBirdY;
constint bottom_box0 = FlappyBirdY + 12 * 3;
constint left_box1 = PipeSpriteUp.getPosition().x;
constint right_box1 = PipeSpriteUp.getPosition().x + 26 * 4;
constint top_box1 = PipeSpriteUp.getPosition().y;
constint bottom_box1 = PipeSpriteUp.getPosition().y + 160 * 4;
constint left_box2 = PipeSpriteDown.getPosition().x;
constint right_box2 = PipeSpriteDown.getPosition().x + 26 * 4;
constint top_box2 = PipeSpriteDown.getPosition().y;
constint bottom_box2 = PipeSpriteDown.getPosition().y + 160 * 4;
return ((right_box0 >= left_box1 && left_box0 <= right_box1 && top_box0 <= bottom_box1 && bottom_box0 >= top_box1) || (right_box0 >= left_box2 && left_box0 <= right_box2 && top_box0 <= bottom_box2 && bottom_box0 >= top_box2));
intPipes::Points(float FlappyBirdX)
int left_box0 = FlappyBirdX;
int right_box0 = FlappyBirdX + 17 * 2;
int left_box1 = PipeSpriteDown.getPosition().x + 25;
int right_box1 = PipeSpriteDown.getPosition().x + 26;
int left_box2 = PipeSpriteUp.getPosition().x + 29;
int right_box2 = PipeSpriteUp.getPosition().x + 30;
return ((right_box0 >= left_box1 && left_box0 <= right_box1) || (right_box0 >= left_box2 && left_box0 <= right_box2));

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